"A Future What? Detroit-Based Queer Sci-fi Drama Makes History," Sixty Inches From Center, 2024.
"Silly Words and Lucky Glaciers: On Margaret Yapp’s Green For Luck," Fugue Literary Journal, 2024.
"Beyond cognizance and justice: Blackfeet filmmakers Ivy and Ivan MacDonald talk about the why of their doc project, 'When They Were Here,'" The Pulp, 2023.
"On Air: Live and Opinionated: Marshall Granger brings new life to halcyon Montana and its radio show ," The Pulp, 2023.
"Thoughtful Tracking: A Reparative and Intersectional Guidebook to the Art Critical Landscape," Sixty Inches From Center, 2023.
"Barthélémy Toguo at SCAD MOA, Savannah", Burnaway, 2022.
"William O. Golding: Memoric Retrospections of a Black Mariner", Sugarcane, 2022.
"We Will Continue to Learn: Remembering bell hooks", (Contributor), Ruckus Art Journal, 2022.
"On Entanglements and Utopian Visions", IN Context, Columbus Area Arts Council, 2021.
"Valerie Sullivan Fuchs: Q & A", Ruckus Art Journal, 2021.
"This Old House: Jawshing Arthur Liou’s House of the Singing Winds", The Ryder, 2021.
"Abattoir Gallery Challenges Racist and Pandemic Conventions", Limestone Post, 2020
"We All Declare for Liberty", Ruckus, 2020.
"Paper Pavilions’ Exhibition Looks at Race, Nature, and Public Art", Limestone Post, 2020