Body of Water
Body of Water
The Body of Water Project reveals the sacredness of water—this essential molecule and elixir of life—while acknowledging challenges and solutions surrounding water usage and quality on a local, regional, and global scale. Science and the arts are intentionally interwoven to more powerfully inform, connect, and inspire human bodies of water to cherish and protect this precious and damaged natural resource.
Jane Hawley ....... Co-Developer/MovementJodi Enos-Berlage ....... Co-Developer/BiologyJon Ailabouni ....... Collaborator/JazzIan Carstens ....... Collaborator/Video
Iowa Water Conference ....... Ames, Iowa, June, 2015Grinnell Summer Arts Festival ....... Grinnell, Iowa, June, 2015Luther College (Original Performance) ....... Decorah, Iowa, March, 2015
Scholarly Publication: Extraordinary Partnerships: How the Arts and Humanities are Transforming AmericaLuther MagazineDes Moines RegisterLuther's Ideas and Creations blogNews story on KCRGtv and WHOtvRadio story/interviews on KHOI FM
Body of Water Trailer